photo by joe mazza — brave lux inc

Awards and Recognition -

 Joseph Jefferson Equity Award for Sound Design of FRANKENSTEIN

Joseph Jefferson Equity Award for Sound Design of MARY’S WEDDING

Joseph Jefferson Equity Award for Original Music of THE GRAPES OF WRATH

Joseph Jefferson Equity Award for Sound Design of TURN OF THE SCREW

Joseph Jefferson Non Equity Award for Sound Design of OPUS

Joseph Jefferson Non-Equity Nomination for Sound Design of THE SINGULARITY PLAY

Joseph Jefferson Equity Nomination for Original Music of THE OUTGOING TIDE

Joseph Jefferson Equity Nomination for Sound Design of THE OUTGOING TIDE

Joseph Jefferson Equity Nomination for Original Music of GEORGIANA & KITTY: CHRISTMAS AT PEMBERLY

Joseph Jefferson Equity Nomination for Original Music of RELENTLESS

Joseph Jefferson Equity Nomination for Original Music of THE LAST PAIR OF EARLIES

Joseph Jefferson Equity Nomination for Sound Design of THE LAST PAIR OF EARLIES

Joseph Jefferson Equity Nomination for Sound Design of THE MADNESS OF EDGAR ALLEN POE: A LOVE STORY

Joseph Jefferson Equity Nomination for Original Music of THE SECRET COUNCIL

Joseph Jefferson Equity Nomination for Sound Design of SHEEPDOG

Joseph Jefferson Equity Nomination for Original Music of FRANKENSTEIN

Joseph Jefferson Non Equity Nomination for Original Music of THE MAN WHO WAS THURSDAY

Joseph Jefferson Equity Nomination for Original Music of MARY’S WEDDING

Joseph Jefferson Equity Nomination for Sound Design of THE HEAVENS ARE HUNG IN BLACK

Joseph Jefferson Equity Nomination for Sound Design of THE 39 STEPS

Joseph Jefferson Equity Nomination for Original Music of SILENT SKY

Joseph Jefferson Equity Nomination for Sound Design of THE MADNESS OF EDGAR ALLEN POE

Joseph Jefferson Equity Nomination for Sound Design of MILLFIRE

Joseph Jefferson Equity Nomination for Sound Design of CICADA

Joseph Jefferson Non Equity Nomination for Original Music of PRIDE AND PREJUDICE

Joseph Jefferson Non Equity Nomination for Original Music of THE WOMAN IN WHITE

Joseph Jefferson Non Equity Nomination for Sound Design of THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO

Joseph Jefferson Non Equity Nomination for Original Music of THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO

Joseph Jefferson Non Equity Nomination for Sound Design of THE DUMB WAITER

Joseph Jefferson Non Equity Nomination for Sound Design of FLOYD COLLINS

Joseph Jefferson Non Equity Nomination for Sound Design of BUG


Dial M For Murder - Northlight Theatre

“Thrillers thrive on atmospherics, and composer and sound designer Christopher Kriz supplies them in spades. Kriz’s psychoacoustics nod subtly to the master of suspense.” - Rescripted

Frankenstein - Remy Bumppo Theatre

"Sonically Stunning" - Chicago Sun Times

"The elements mesh beautifully to capture this world of harsh nihilism from Christopher Kriz’s jarring sound design". --Chicago Tribune

"The sound design veers from familiar to alien with an abruptness that will keep you, like The Creature, off balance. Kriz’s music gives the production an ethereal, otherworldly quality that contrasts and highlights the endlessly destructive passions of The Creature.”

- Chicago Sun Times

"It's stunning to say the least. The moments of the play are framed by a beautiful soundtrack composed and designed by Christopher Kriz" - New City

The Last Pair Of Earlies - Raven Theatre -

“Christopher Kriz’s original music and sound — is incredible and affecting…Carpenter, Kriz, and Clark do wonderfully blending the worlds of reality, dream and outright nightmare.” - Chicago Tribune

“For all its reverence for traditional, language-driven theater, the hardest punches in Last Pair are packed by a series of wordless or dreamlike moments...—all moments heightened by Christopher Kriz’s original instrumental music and sound design.” - Chicago Reader

This Wide Night - Shattered Globe Theatre-

“..perfectly lovely original music and sound design from Christopher Kriz” - Chicago Tribune

“..perfect original music and a dismal sound design by Christopher Kriz.” - Chicago Theatre Review

Silent Sky - First Folio Theatre

"Christopher Kriz's elegantly evocative original score give us the music of the spheres." - Chicago Tribune

"Beautifully orchestrated by Composer and sound designer Christopher Kriz" - Chicago Sun Times

"Christopher Kriz’s Music and sound design is particularly evocative." - Chicago reader

"Christopher Kriz's original music and sound design capture the dreamy period feel of Debussy and Saint-Saëns." - Edge Media

The Source - route 66 theatre

"Christopher kriz designs a score worthy of an Academy Award-winning film." - Chicago Theatre Beat

The Magic Play - Goodman Theatre

“The magic here (including an astonishing finale that should not be revealed), is superb and unconventional in many ways with John Boesche’s projections, Lizzie Bracken’s semi-opaque set, Maggie Fullilove-Nugent’s lighting, and Christopher Kriz’s sound, absolutely essential to the play’s success. - Chicago Sun Times

Constellations - Steppenwolf Theatre

“Accented by Christopher Kriz’s original music and soundtrack, this is a quietly unassuming masterwork that must be seen to be appreciated.” - Chicago Theatre Review

“The minimalism never feels empty, thanks in part to Christopher Kriz's buzzing, pulsing sound and music.” - Theater Mania

The House That Will Not Stand - Victory Gardens Theatre

“The sound design by Christopher Kriz is also a standout, combining sound effects suggesting the weather outside along with an echo for Makeda's voice when she is channeling the spirit of Lazar and integrating Obispo's impressive musical score.” - Talkin’ Broadway

“Sound designer Christopher Kriz creates a tapestry of pop chart samples, percussion and the ambient sounds of the Gardley’s New Orleans (including the haunting sounds that signal the metaphorical collapse of the house and the effects that herald the arrival of the spirit of the dead master of the house, summoned by Makeba.” - Chicago Stage Standard

In The Heat Of The Night - Shattered Globe Theatre

“Christopher Kriz's sound design is understated and excellent. Wheels crunch on gravel and car doors close, allowing the audience to follow the staccato changes of scene without ever needing to think about it. And all along, above and beneath, indistinct pulses of sound crackle and buzz, infusing the 95 minutes with a sense of impending catastrophe.“ - Edge Media

Sucker Punch - Victory Gardens Theatre

“Christopher Kriz’ sound design and original music raise the stakes in every scene. “ - Stage and Cinema

Gem Of The Ocean - Court Theatre

“Parson works incredibly well with lighting designer Heather Gilbert and sound designer Christopher Kriz throughout the play. Their crown jewel is when Aunt Ester takes Barlow on a trip to the City of Bones. It’s absolutely spectacular.” - Chicago Stage Standard

“Lighting designer Heather Gilbert and sound designer Christopher Kriz work wonders in transforming Ester's house (scenic design by Jack Magaw) into the slave ship on which Ester pilots Citizen to the City of Bones. Once there, we see the faces and hear the voices of those who perished during the Middle Passage, while also hearing the sizzling brand and cracking whip that abetted the dehumanization of all those herded into steerage for that journey. The experience understandably terrifies Citizen. It harrowed me.” - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Soon I Will Be Invincible - Lifeline Theatre

"an amusingly intense score by Christopher Kriz. .striking and original" -Chris Jones, Chicago Tribune

"Christopher Kriz (music and lyrics) has composed a powerful score with inspirational lyrics befitting a super hero existentialist crisis. Kriz mixes ballad moments in with we-are-going-to-kick-some-ass anthems. The combination is dynamic! There is a lot to love about this show and Kriz’ music is #1." -The Fourth Walsh

The Grown-Up - Shattered Globe Theatre

“if sound designer Christopher Kriz had his own Pandora station, I would listen to it all the time. The environment he creates with sounds and music always makes you forget about the outside world, and sets the mood entirely for the show.” - Buzz Onstage

-"All of the elements are enhanced by Christopher Kriz’s sensitive, original soundtrack" - Chicago Theatre Review

The Taste Of It - Ballybeg Theatre

"Christopher Kriz’s sound design situated us immediately in the early 1970s"
 - New York Theatre Now

"I’d be amiss, due to recent Tony Award controversies, if I didn’t mention the superb sound and music design employed throughout the piece. Well done, Christopher Kriz!"
 - Quick Theatre 

"The play is set in Boston in 1973 and Christopher Kriz’s sound design puts us dead center"
 - Times Square Chronicles

"Original music and sound design by Christopher Kriz are first rate."
 - Theatre Pizzazz

Monstrous Regiment - Lifeline Theatre

"Christopher Kriz's witty sound design enhances the slightly steam-punkish world of this monstrously smart and funny production."
-Chicago Tribune

Mill Fire - Shattered Globe Theatre

“It’s all built on the incredible realism of the strip mill itself—kinetically suggested by Christopher Kriz’  surging sound design.” 
-Stage and Cinema

"Thanks to a superb technical team—a special nod to Christopher Kriz’s sound design - the evocation of place is as evocative as the performers."
-Chicago Theater Beat

4000 Miles - Northlight Theatre

"Christopher Kriz composed some beautiful original music."
 - Around The Town Chicago

Turn Of The Screw - First Folio Theatre

"Sound Designer Christopher Kriz creates a sonic backdrop that's as elusive and as effective as a half-remembered nightmare, constantly hovering on the edge of audibility and instilling everything with a profound sense of unease."- Chicago Sun Times

Floyd Collins - BoHo Theatre

”Christopher Kriz (terrific sound design) create the ideal atmosphere. And those beautiful choruses of echoes reverberate long after leaving the theater. Calling Adam Guettel, Guettel, Guettel: Come to Chicago and hear it for yourself.”- Chicago Sun Times

"Guettel’s Americana-tinged score is often lovely, with extra credit due to Christopher Kriz’s impressive sound design". - Time Out

"Christopher Kriz, the sound designer, has gone to much trouble to ensure that when Floyd yodels inside the cave, the canonic echoes of his voice are perfectly timed." - Wall Street Journal

"And speaking of tour de force, the sound design of Christopher Kriz is remarkable, with echoes (of voices and of song), drips, winds, you name it." - Broadway World


Hot-N-Throbbing - Interrobang Theatre

"Sound Designer Christopher Kriz’s precise sound design creates uncountable moments of extreme shock and awe…Voices are ethereally amplified so that very little live speaking permeates our ears. Kriz’s powerful manipulation causes the chorus to sound alternatively menacing and sultry, depending upon the trials of their circumstance."      

-New City

The Count Of Monte Cristo - Lifeline Theatre

"Aided by Christopher Kriz's original music and sound design, the intrigue mounts and the scenes transition effortlessly.  The second act is particularly riveting as secrets lead to bloodshed.  Kriz‘s dark and thrilling soundtrack sets the tone for providence." - Chicago Theatre Beat

"The rousing music by Christopher Kriz helps create an almost operatic sense of grandeur" - Time Out 

Opus - Redtwist Theatre

“uncannily meticulous cueing to a recorded soundtrack (applause for sound designer Christopher Kriz).”     

- Chicago Sun Times

“The peripatetic Christopher Kriz's sound design adds layers of aural pleasure.” - Chicago Tribune

“Christopher Kriz is an integral part of making this production lifelike as it appears that each of the actors is making the music that we hear a very realistic part of the entire production" - Around The Town Chicago

Festen -Steep Theatre

"Each actor in this meticulously choreographed and soundscaped production is ideal. Christopher Kriz’s sound design is perfection and enhances the characters’ dark, textured psychic scars. - Chicago Sun Times

"Throughout, eerie, cinematic sound work by Christopher Kriz punctuates the grimly hilarious piece nicely." -Time Out

"Christopher Kriz’s sound design provides a driving emotional soundscape that encompasses a vast spectrum proving to be ghostly, elegant, foreboding, and yet hopeful." - Chicago Theatre Blog

Man From Nebraska – Redtwist Theatre

"Christopher Kriz’s ideal musical scoring could not be better for this play that probes so deeply and movingly." 

-Chicago Sun Times 

"Christopher Kriz’s music and sound design astutely punctuate the journey." - New City